Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Day after the fun performance, here I am, getting sick!
It sucks to be sick but I am almost mused my body didn't even show a sign of sickness at all till yesterday.
Good job my immune system. Love ya.
I have to be well by tomorrow to see Seiji and Mitsuko at Carnegie.
Work harder my immune system.
And hopefully, stop snowing already.

Here is my answer to my friend' question.
"As you love summer so much, I can't even imagine how you live during winter."

Here is how I survive through the winter.
Hibernating.  How I wish, but not really.
Evacuating to the Pacific.  Occasionally  maybe.
Just bearing with it.  Mostly, yes.

But I know without this harsh winter, I wouldn't appreciate summer as much as I do now.
I just gotta get a pair of nice warm boots and am ready to go walk around even on this nasty snowy weather.
After all, I love nature. Smell of the icy air is as delicious as the honeysuckle fused air of summer.

Now I am gonna get some rest.

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