Sunday, January 30, 2011

Treasure hunting 宝探し

I was walking toward to Columbus Circle from East side. Wanted to catch the exhibition at American Museum of Natural History.

And I found this. 

I know it has been there even before I was born. 

But I found this.

Can't believe that I was missing this all these years.
Simply, it is such a  wonderful collection of rare books that they have. 
They even have autographed letters to sell. (I searched if they have Poulenc's, my favorite composer, and they do! ha!)

I also found awesome recipe books as well. 
But what I took home was Like water for Chocolate. Como agua para chocolate. Read only chapter 1 so far but definitely charming book. Recipes and a story in one  book. Interesting. Bookstore is like a  huge version of a box of fortune cookies. When you are thinking about something so seriously, you find a book that is so related to topic. Or maybe we found a hint anywhere when you are in that state. Anyway, I am glad that I have something to entertain me on the train for the next week. 


Argosy Bookstore


わくわくするようなレシピ本も売ってたけど、私が家に連れて帰ることにしたのは、like water for chocolateという本。一つの本にレシピと小説が編み込まれてる。私が子供の頃昔映画にもなってるみたい。ストーリーの予習はせずひとまずは堪能しようっと。

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